TBM Hunter

Search and score tankyrase-binding motifs

Enter UniProt code(s) below, one code per line:

Canonical TBMs: (R-x-x-x-x-G-(No proline)-x) Extended TBMs: (R-x-x-x-D/E-G-x-x), with 5, 6, or 7 amino acids between R and G

Input one sequence of 8 amino acids to be scored:

Score any 8-residue peptide sequence regardless of the presence of R1/G6, using canonical score system.

Note: Scores are a prediction and do not replace experimental data.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Protocol for using this site: A Computational Method for detecting and evaluating Tankyrase-Binding Motifs. Protocols.io, 2023.
  • A list of UniProt codes from a column in an Excel file can be copied and pasted into the entry box.
  • Tool outputs can be downloaded by the download buttons or copied and pasted directly into an Excel file and delimited by commas.
  • Larger scores suggest more favorable binding.
  • TBMs should be in unstructured regions, see helpful links below for more info.
  • When processing a large number of UniProt codes (500+), the tool may not return results. If encountering issues, consider running the tool with a reduced number of codes.
Helpful Links:
Please cite the following articles in any publication that uses analysis or studies inspired by or benefiting from TBM Hunter:
Website creators: Samantha Shellman and Melody Shellman
Contact: Yiqun.Shellman@cuanschutz.edu